Saturday, April 2, 2022

it starts with G-R-A


Need a Pinterest quote to spice up your nine to five?? Well, buckle up honey, this one's for you.
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."  (Abe lincoln?)
Maybe its not the most eloquent word candy, but I'm really into the sentiment (also, this quote is posted in my mom's kitchen, so it deserves your attention). 

Anyway, I've been trying to snuggle up to this feeling of gratitude instead of entertaining other thoughts and yaknowwhat? It's a life changer people. I feel so full, and light. I find myself turning to God more often and I've been noticing little things about the way light hits trees and stuff like that.

Sum up:  There is a whole lot to be grateful for.
                the gratitude place is a very happy place indeed.

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Recipe maker

Her heavy limbs find refuge in my softened body. She stirs and  Her eyes blink wide and meet mine with delight.  Please draft a recipe so I ...